I often get asked if I would teach some basic navigation … so here is something that might be of interest(?). The main reason to want to learn new skills appears to be the aim or desire by some to try their hand at leading groups. Walking clubs are forever on the search for more leaders. So as well as the navigation side, I have also incorporated a heavy emphasis on leadership … what to look for when planning a route, how to expect the unexpected! … the ability to build-in ‘escape routes’ and contingency plans should time or circumstances become unfavourable.I propose to spend an informal morning / afternoon, at a location of mutual convenience, for teaching. This will be ENTIRELY bespoke to the individual’s needs … I wouldn’t dwell on say contours or mountain safety if all a person wants to do is lead ‘D’ walks!As a follow-up, I would be more than happy to help in planning a group walk and even join in on any forthcoming required ‘reccee’. The key to good navigation is PRACTICE, PRACTICE AND MORE PRACTICE! I have up-to-date digital mapping, in varying scales as the route dictates, that would be easy enough for me to print off and forward. Although I would encourage the purchase of own maps to build a varied personal library.